Portfolio Value
As of June 30, 2018 my investment portfolio balance stood at $58,721.06. That’s an increase of $1,065.86 from last month. The main increase came from fresh capital contribution and dividends, not so much from stocks appreciation. My portfolio value is getting closer and closer to 60K milestone. Hope to get there next month, but a lot will depend on market performance.
New Record! In June, I received $280.41 in dividends vs $233.57 for the same period a year ago. That's an increase of $46.84 or 20% on year-over-year basis. My total year-to-date dividend income is $1,519.04.
Every month I transfer $700 of fresh capital to my TFSA account. I plan to keep that pace until the end of the year. Next year I will adjust my contributions, depending on 2019 TFSA limit.
In June, I purchased 75 shares of Pizza Pizza Royalty at $12.36 per share. This is my first tranche. If the stock continues to trade below $13 in the coming months, then I will buy a second tranche. Ideally, I would like to have around 250 shares of PZA in my portfolio. This purchase should add around $5 to my monthly income which will cover two slices of pizza and a coke.