Alaris Royalty - AD.TO | chart

Algonquin Power & Utilities - AQN.TO | chart

Altagas - ALA.TO | chart

Bank of Montreal - BMO.TO | chart

Bank of Nova Scotia - BNS.TO | chart

Bell - BCE.TO | chart

Brookfield Infrastructure Partners - BIP.UN.TO | chart

Brookfield Renewable Corporation - BEPC.TO | chart

Canadian Apartment REIT - CAR.UN.TO | chart

Canadian Utilities - CU.TO | chart

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce - CM.TO  | chart

Capital Power Corp - CPX.TO  | chart

Crescent Point - CPG.TO | chart

CT REIT - CRT.UN.TO | chart

Diversified Royalty Corp - DIV.TO | chart

Dream Industrial REIT - DIR.UN.TO | chart

Emera - EMA.TO | chart

Enbridge - ENB.TO | chart

Fortis - FTS.TO | chart

First National Financial - FN.TO | chart

Freehold Royalties - FRU.TO | chart

Great West Lifeco - GWO.TO | chart

H&R REIT - HR.UN.TO | chart

IA Financial - IAG.TO | chart

InterRent REIT - IIP.UN.TO | chart

Killam Apartment REIT - KMP.UN.TO | chart

Laurentian Bank - LB.TO | chart

Magna - MG.TO | chart

Manulife - MFC.TO  | chart

Morguard REIT - MRT.UN.TO | chart

NFI Group - NFI.TO | chart

North West - NWC.TO | chart

Northwest Healthcare Properties REIT - NWH.UN.TO | chart

Pembina Pipeline - PPL.TO  | chart

Pizza Pizza - PZA.TO | chart

Plaza Retail REIT - PLZ.UN.TO | chart

Power Corporation of Canada - POW.TO | chart

Restaurant Brands International - QSR.TO | chart

RioCan REIT - REI.UN.TO | chart

Royal Bank of Canada - RY.TO | chart

Saputo - SAP.TO | chart

Smart REIT - SRU.UN.TO | chart

Suncor - SU.TO | chart

TC Energy - TRP.TO | chart

TD Bank - TD.TO | chart

Telus - T.TO  | chart


  1. Have you considered adding any of the large Canadian banks to your portfolio? TD, BNS, RY, BMO or CM.

  2. Hey DivHut!

    I'm thinking of adding banks; TD and BNS as of next year. I want them to pull back a little bit more. They are great long term hold and the yields are good too. BTW, congrats on your baby boy! Wishing you lots of health and happiness!

  3. Hi GK,

    I second what DivHut said about adding some CAD Banks, BNS and TD are great options as you've listed! Also check out the telcos, Telus, Rogers, Bell.... They also have good yields and good div. growth.

    Take it easy man,

    1. Room for the Canadian banks these days? Curious to know your take on the sector.

    2. Well, our American friends are still shorting Canadian banks and I think that we will see some more selling pressure. Banks have rebounded nicely in the past week. I'm not ready to buy them now, I really like TD and RY.

  4. This is a nice list of companies I haven't heard of. I'm going to have to check them out. With the dollar so strong right now, I think there are some bargains in foreign stocks. Do you have plans on adding any foreign holdings?

    1. Hi,

      It's true, I hold some companies that people don't hear about on daily basis. For now I only focus on Canadian stocks. There are plenty on Canadian stocks that I want to buy before my basket is full. Also, my portfolio is still very small so it doesn't make sense for me to devirsify it internationally. But thanks for asking. Take care!

    2. Why do you feel it doesn't make sense to diversify internationally? I also have a relatively small portfolio and am currently debating whether to buy U.S. equities, so am interested to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

    3. I wrote this comment in 2015, but my strategy is still the same. I still continue to buy and hold Canadian companies. Maybe when my portofolio reaches 500K then I will start thinking about diversifications into other equities. But for the time being, I'm fine with Canadian stocks.

  5. Interesting portfolio. I don't see most of these names on most DGI blogs. This is great for me, a bunch of new companies to investigate. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Happy hunting my friend. Next year I will start picking up some Canadian banks and telcos.

  6. Hello
    Your portfolio is overweight on rates and energy stocks, why do not you add any Canadian banks and insurance stocks, Canadian banks are the best dividend stocks in my opinion, they are safest companies their earnings grow year by year and their dividends are increasing also. energy stocks are dependant on oil price and can cut or remove their dividends for any reason related to oil prices. REITs are facing increasing interest rate and are likely to have bad days, the only companies who will benefit from increasing interest rate are financial.

    1. Hi,

      We don't have much of the companies to choose from in Canada. Some Banks, Telcos, Reits and Energy. That's about it. I plan to add Telcos and Banks in the future, not insurance though. To me insurance is a pyramid scheme. I only like one Canadian Bank and it's TD. But, I'm not ready to buy it yet.

      I'm not worried about interest rates too much. It's going to be a gradual process. Most REITs are financed through bought deals so the rate is fixed.

      As for the energy stock. I do have some companies but they are small positions. I do believe we will have a another bull cycle in oil prices and it might be the last.


  7. Love the portfolio, lots of REITs and energy stocks. Nice to find another Canadian blog!

  8. Drastic underperformance due to counting dividends in the accumulation stage. It's nonsensical. With all due respect that's like staring at the oil gauge as you try to make the car go faster. Go for growth. More money will create more retirement income. More growth will create a richer retirement and richer life.
