Portfolio Value Update - January 2023

Portfolio Value
In January, my portfolio value increased by $13,538 from $142,269 to $155,087. It was probably the biggest monthly increase of all times. Since the beginning on the new year, the markets rallied to 6-month high, stretching out the valuations of some of the stocks. I did however add $3,500 to my TFSA account, the rest of the increase came from stock appreciation.

Dividends received in January 2023: $670.68
Dividends received in January 2022: $552.64
Year-Over-Year Dividend Growth: $118.04 or 21%
Year-To-Date Dividend Income: $670.68

The new year started off on a good note. I’m really happy to see the dividend growth at over 20% and slowly approaching to $700/mo milestone which I hope to reach this year.