Three More Income Sources to Grow my Portfolio

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about exploring new income sources to increase my earnings and potentially increase my contributions towards my investment portfolio. Even earning $100 or $200 a month from other sources can make a big different in portfolio growth. Once the online income is on auto-pilot, it can grow on its own. Let's explore those options.

So far there are three sources that I'm working on.

1. PTC (Paid-To-Click)

2. Surveys

3. Adsense

1. Income Source: PTC

PTC websites are basically paid-to-click websites where you click on advertisements and receive a small credit after 15-20 seconds. There are thousands of PTC sites out there, most of them shut down after 2-3 years of operations due to unsustainability. So I found a couple of legit sites that have been around for many years and are too big to fail.

My PTC Strategy
I signed up for a few PTC sites, but I will only focus on one site - Neobux.

Neobux is without a doubt the biggest PTC site in the world. It has millions of users. The site is so big that their daily payouts surpass $100K. I decided to give it a try and signed up. I got nothing to lose, right? It doesn't cost anything to join.

The strategy to earn money with Neobux is very simple - you need REFERRALS. I view ads everyday and invest my earnings into referrals to build my downline. I don't invest my own money. For now I use the money I earn from Neobux to build my referral base. So again, I have nothing to lose.

Then I signed up for other PTC sites for extra cash, that will be invested towards Neobux. My goal is to have over 100 referrals in my Neobux account.

My main PTC site will be Neobux

Other sites like Buxcap, FamilyClix, W3adz and Grandbux will be used to earn extra cash and invest in Neobux. This way I will grow my Neobux account faster, without investing my own money. The easiest way to receive money from PTC sites, is through Payza. Payza is very similar to Paypal. You can link Payza to your bank account to withdraw cash earned from PTC.

2. Income Source: Surveys

My other income source is through filling up surveys. I'm a member of two surveys sites; Leger Web and ClixSense.

Leger Web is only available for people who live in Canada and US. The minimum payout is $20, paid by check or Air miles. I have received 2 checks $20 each and my current account balance is $17.50 so I'm due for another payment soon.

ClixSense is available worldwide, but if you live in US and Canada, you will get more surveys to fill up. I just started to use this site and already completed a few surveys. Their minimum payout is $10. I chose Payza as my payout option.

2. Income Source: Adsense

I have a YouTube channel and Dividend Income Stocks blog. The earnings from Adsense is still very small, but I plan to grow my YouTube channel. YouTube takes a lot of time in the beginning. Video shooting and post production is time consuming. But this is the type of the work that you do once and then you get views every day.

Anyway, to wrap things up, those will be the three sources that I will develop into income streams. Feel free to share your strategies to increase portfolio contribution. Are you trying to do something on the side to increase your earnings? Take care guys!


  1. DIS -

    EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS, end of comment! haha


  2. Nice google adsense ads up. ZING! BUT YEAH might as well if you have a website. Ive never tried the pay to click thing but have done surveys and made over 25$ any bonus income is great as you mentioned.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. So far surveys earnings are going slow for me. :)
